Ho Ho Ho and Get right in there!!

pool champ
Well that is what they are all saying downtown in Stockholm inner southern Suburb of Lilljeholmen these days, As lokal resident, Joel “call me what you want” iron guts burnell Takes out the Södermalm AFC Biljard Championship! last friday! In usual Fashion the club had no less than 17 participants turn out to challenge for the Biljard title! and marking the clubs last social event for Season 2012.
and how about the biljard…..Firstly we can say, The hard done award to Chris ‘choker’ Tancredi who choked on the Black against Joelly Burnell to give him the in the group stage and a spot in the semi finals and then there was no looking back from there! Joel Had a lucky Night playing Maxwell. T. Larsson in the 2011 Final. Organiser Larry Hagberg decided to make it a best of 3 final for the first time in the clubs history. Max Won the first game easily, which would have given him the rights to the annual “Ivan Rexed Memorial biljard Sheild” but alas that was not the case. Iron guts burnell Came from behind to seal the deal 2-1 in what some were labelling as a bench mark Final.
joel walks away with the covenant Shield and his place on the clubs Roll Of honour, and Max, well he has to be content with receiving a boars head on a Shield at the local pub afterwards for second place.
In the Semi Finals it was very Straight forward, Joel dominating Ivan ” Tarzan” Rexed in what could only be described as a Massive Mind blowing defeat to The Club Leader. This devastating loss has left the Clubs fearless leader, pondering his Roll as Club President. “ I had it all planned out tonight, and to be beaten by iron guts is totally unacceptable. I guess i will be hearing about this All weekend on the Ice fishing Trip in Feb“.
Many Avid on lookers Slowly broke to Ivan, that his game was just not good enough, and that he must go away in the off season and find a Pub sponsor who has a pool table so We can all get some practice in. In the other Semi, could only be descibed as the clash of the Age! Young v’s Old, youth V’s Experience, Club Captian V’s Club Grandfather. Maxwell T larsson up against Marcus “Rappa” Rappoccio. As they say in Biljard, too old too slow?? and Max waltzed into the final.
Well done to Joel and All finalist on the Night.
It was also great to see some new faces, Dave “Westy” West and “Big Dave” Farrow getting along to meet all the guys. We look forward to seeing you at our bowling championships in January!
Game of the night! Was between The Stephens boys! recently arriving back in town, Their game, packed with intensity and witt, was a real battle of attrition, lasting 90 minutes and eventually ending the first ever Stalemate in the history of pool, what a result! all on lookers and players went away happy with this result. In Addition, there was Plenty of talk about Social events for 2012, Staring with the 2012 footytrip. Duel Downlow medalist, Micke ” half glass” Perez has offically been sworn in to be Grand poo-bah for the Trip, starting in a club record 6th straight tour of duty! like other years the pool championship marks the awarding of the following year footy trip destination. The 2012 Club footy trip has been awarded to the city of Krakow, Poland, and now we just confirming the date with the city planners for our arrival.
Plenty of talk about the Annual Ice Fishing trip in Feb. lock it into your calenders and keep an eye out for the invite it could be limited to 10 places only, however we will see what the responses will bring.
Well done to Jordo, who takes out the Club Fisherman of the year, with his 52 cm Gös, caught in July at the nissan river in småland. Also lock in the clubs AGM and bowling tournament, follow by a day at the Slopes with Rappa! check club websites for dates. Until then, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year where ever you are around the world!