Jordo takes home the Bowling trophy in 2024

Once again the 2024 Blue Ribbon Bowling event was held at Lucky Bowling on Sveavägen 118. A near record 15 players turned out. Defending champion Sean ‘Kungen’ Hargreaves was back despite having recently recovered from debilitating knee surgery whilst previous winner Condor was out sunning his flower in the Wild West of Australia and Kingsley was planting seeds in Nepal… The scene was set and the mob grabbed one or 2 cold ones before devouring the club sponsored Lucky burgers and chips. Somewhat prematurely, Jordo cracked one through the covers and immediately everyone made their way quickly to the bowling lanes…..

The scoring was free and fast just like Loges on the cricket field and many made it past the 100 mark. The far right lane was made up of Jordo, Big Bla and Jimmy O’brien and there were some high scores in the first round. It felt like we already had the finalists congregated. In the far left lane, Macca, Laser Larry and John Cullen were struggling with gutter throws, toilet visits and general poor play. In lane 2, Tesla was paired with the newbies Alastair and Abba Fernando. Alastair was still drinking the bar dry when the bowling started so they were constantly playing catch-up. Guru was floating around so it was difficult to know what lane he was assigned to however his greatest concern was beating Abba F.

The second game proved once again to be the high point. Jordo open like Condos arse with 3 strikes and from that point it was WA dust between him and the rest of the field however he pulled Big Bla and OB1 along with him and all 3 comfortably passed the 150 mark. And in the far left lane Lazer Larry (previous champ), Kelly Cullen and Macca were in a cat fight for last place. Loges was screaming like a hyena and 3M was scanning the talent on offer. 

In the end, it was Jordo that won the night and he got his 4cl shot of tequila. 3M got a free beer for being best dressed and Kungen for being a good bloke and ManU supporter. Big Blue Austin handed over the trophy to Jordo but it was a bit of a tug of war as the protest he had left in had not been fully determined. 

Well done one. Well done all. A great night to kick off the year. 

Jordo won with 202 and will have his name inscribed on the trophy. Strangely, the 2022 winner was not present on the trophy but that maybe due to the rank cheating that went on that year…

A great evening was had by all participants, We warmly welcome the new members, Alastair, Fernado and big Dave the Victorian, to the club.

after the post match awards and drinks people made their home at a respective time.

We hope to see you all our next club event in March!

By Alex Tesdorf

2024 – Club AGM

The club AGM was held on Saturday 17th February. The current board was re elected and stands as.

President : D. Jordan

Vice president : Sam Austin

Treasurer : Alex Tesdorf

Secretary: Ben Condon

4 brave men also volunteered to come on as supplements to the club board, they are, John Cullen-cycling, Sean Logan – social, Mark McManus – social, Andrew Smith – Sponsorship. Club membership remains at 500kr for the year payable 30th of may 2024.