As we approach summer holidays our cricket season is coming to an end. We have had a team in SCF the national league and a team in LMS weekday comp. Our first season with a team in the league has been a success. we were challenged with injury however With a solid base of 25 players, we managed a team to all games. we are actively looking for new players to join our club.

Whilst the Wins have been few and far between, again we were the most social team with a few post BBQ and beers. Some highlights this season were Smithy notching up his first 50 n.o, Jordo taking clubs first Hattrick, DK getting a diamond duck. We look forward to the awards night later in the year. to reveal all achievements from the season. feel free to join us.
After the summer break we will head into our social events! first up is the Södermalm ProAm golf on a Friday night 11th of august 17:30 at Ågesta GK.
But next up is DADS and Kids camping weekend in Gnesta 27-30 july. contact the club if you would like to know more about our social events or get involved.

Go Söder. you can follow us on instagram södermalmafc