As the weather and therefore, the moods all around have vastly improved, there are plenty of Södermalm Sports Club functions to look forward to and brace yourself for (see attached). We have 36 paid up and registered members for Sodermalm Sports Club 2024!
Thats right folks it is official! the Club has Offically changed it name to Södermalm Sports Club! (SSC) now we officially cater for all sports! Our motto is “too much sport is not enough”.
In addition to our name change the club as found sponsorship in the ways of long time club member! Tim Readwin and Readwin consulting AB
READWIN Consulting AB specialise in building energy efficiency work place environment and economy.

Our LMS cricket chaps have got their penultimate fixture on the go as I type this and their final fixture is early July – our fearless chairman, Daniel Jordan, has just fallen 2 agonisingly runs short of a half ton, ably supported by Dan Kennedy (DK) on 47*. The Sunday T20 league cricket season kicks off pretty soon so please reach out to Alex Tesdorf if you are keen to join the squad! we are 3 wins and 3 losses
Club Drinks on Friday 5th of July from 17h00ish is the next official club event. +1 has been our mantra this year for the functions so bring a pal, a mate who is like-minded, and keen to have a beer, a laugh and meet some of the Soder living legends. Pelago Roof Top – Slussen.

Some of our latest Clubs members at Pelago sporting the new club Blazer.
Dads n’ lads camping wraps up the Soder festivities for July, Benjamin Condo is your man for that. That event is in Gnesta from Thursday 18th of July – always been a hit and all are welcome even if your kids are busy or do not exist.
What you won’t see on the calendar are some events where you would need to reach out to those particular individuals heading them up. Please do so:
– Andrew Smith is getting some tickets for an ODI at Lords in September: Auz vs Eng.
– Sean Logan is running a trail half-marathon 17th of August just outside Uppsala. There is a full marathon and 10km too. He is also running the Lidingo Loppet (30km), Sunday 29th of September. Any runners out there?
See you at the next Club event, July 5th,
Sean Logan,
Södermalm Sports Club